世界中のiPhoneアプリ開発者たちに入札を打診 〜 原文











▼ 募集告知の原文

“iPhone App to Visualize Life Expectancy”

Looking for an iPhone developer to program an app that “visualizes and compares life expectancy against other people.” It’s an app similar to an address book, with a strong emphasis to visualize and compare multiple persons’ remaining years of expected lives. The emphasis of this app will be the the “visual comparison”, and I’m a visual designer with reputation in Japan. So, naturally, you should have fine eyes to the details of interface design, and I’d expect a good portfolio to represent your skills to work with visual designers.

Description of the app:

– Function to import and edit records from iPhone’s address book. The user should be able to add new records within the app as well.
– Function to calculate remaining years to live for each person against a database of life expectancy for countries around the world. (data will be provided in CSV format)
– Function to visualize the remaining years to live in a “bar graph” like format. Multiple persons’ graph should be displayed side by side to compare. This part will be a heavily visual-designed interface with all PNG files provided from me.
– Function to add a simple to-do list for each person.
– Some static pages of instructions.
– A preference screen for setting basic behavior of the app.
– Preferably, I’d like to release this app in multiple languages. English and Japanese to begin with. English is a must.
– If this app can also be released for iPad in the future with additional development, that’ll be great. But it’s not a requirement at this time.

What I will provide to a successful bidder:

– More specific design information to give me an accurate cost estimate, after signing an NDA.

What I will provide once the project is started:

– Flow chart containing all screens.
– Design instructions for all screens.
– Full set of artwork files in PNG format.
– All necessary color / interface specifications for iOS UI.
– All contents/data required to be embedded to the app.

… and who I am:

– Freelancing visual, web and interface designer based in Tokyo with experience with major Japanese companies.
– Reasonable understanding of how iPhone programs are made and what’s possible in iOS.
– Experience in programming PHP and MySQL-driven web sites.
– I’ve been educated at an art college in New York, therefore fluent in English.
– I can be contacted through Skype and email.
– And finally, I am a gentle/polite Japanese professional, very pleasant to work with, indeed!



主にデザイナー業。マレーシア・ペナン島在住。中学校の美術教科書に作品掲載。グッドデザイン賞受賞。十四代目伝統木工の家に生まれ日米修行→NYの美大で工業デザイン専攻しながら石岡瑛子氏のお手伝い→フリーランス七転八倒→ちょっと新生銀行勤務→ちょっと花屋→ 阿部書店(株)を設立して主にデザイン業→ 双子が産まれる → ペナン島にお引っ越し。その昔、日本のデザイン誌を中心に寄稿。ツイッター @yoshiabe